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Kurdish Christians in Iraq: "A Prayer Movement" is Underway

Teresa Neumann : Jun 23, 2014
Chris Mitchell — CBN

"I want to encourage our dear brothers and sisters around the world to continue to pray for our country… in spite of all the demographic changes, destruction, the wars and whatever's happening." -Mahir Towfiq, Life Agape

Iraq Kurds(Erbil, Iraq)—The Kurds, who have one of the longest cultural histories in the Middle East, are an ethnic group originally from Kurdistan, which today is divided into Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. (Photo via CBN News)

Notes a Wikipedia entry, through time, Kurdish culture has remained "distinctly different from all others found around it."

Indeed, today, tens of thousands of Kurds identify as Christians, although thousands have been fleeing their homeland recently in the wake of militant Islamic attacks.

CBN now reports that more than 500,000 refugees have flooded into Kurdish Iraq.

Heresh Stwne, a news anchor with Kurdistan TV, was quoted as saying Kurds no longer want to be part of Iraq," but the report also notes that as "turmoil has increased, a prayer movement has grown."

Said Fabian Grech with the Mesopotamia House of Prayer, "In the last couple of weeks, there's been a rise of prayer meetings even just in the city. [Prayer has] been happening even in homes. Even the local churches open their buildings for prayer in the morning and it wasn't like that before. So we're seeking God's face for their country. [The prayers] are filled with faith and passion—big prayers."