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New Hope for Marriages: Statistics Show 72 Percent in US Are Still Married to their First Spouse

Aimee Herd : May 22, 2014
Alex Murashko – Christian Post

"The most important big-picture truth: contrary to popular opinion, most marriages are strong and happy for a lifetime. That doesn't mean most marriages are perfect; there are still plenty of legitimate concerns out there. But for our culture as a whole, the marriages that are unhappy, the ones that don't make it, are the exception rather than the rule."

Happy CoupleWe've all heard the depressing statistics concerning the endurance of marriages in the US, and even in the Church, some have stated that about 50 percent of them end in divorce. (Photo by: Jenny Rollo)

Not so fast…

A new 8-year investigative study by best-selling author and researcher Shaunti Feldhahn reveals a much different picture.

Feldhahn disclosed her findings in a new book called, "The Good News About Marriage."

Shaunti FeldhahnThat 'good news' includes Census Bureau findings such as "72 percent of people are still married to their first spouse–and the 28% who aren't, includes people who were married for years until a spouse died!"

In a Christian Post interview, Feldhahn notes that this information can actually help marriages to survive because it offers hope.

"When I would share some of those numbers with people, the reactions were sometimes dramatic," says Feldhahn in the interview. "Standing in front of me, I saw the difference between being defeated and feeling hopeful. People were grasping the good news like a life-preserver! I felt like this study had to be done."

Read this full interview by Clicking Here.