Breaking Christian News

Syrian Youth Transformed From Death-Metal Band Rebel and Gang Member to Lover of Christ

Megan Ross : Apr 24, 2014
Operation Mobilization

"It was totally the Holy Spirit It was so clear to me that it was all true."

Lebanon(Syria)—A participant in OM's Transform short-term outreach to the Near East Field shared his own transformation story with a group of Syrian death-metal music fans. (Photo via OM)

When Charlie (name changed to protect identity) saw the Syrian youth wearing t-shirts from obscure death-metal bands, he made an immediate connection with them. The boys said, "We don't want to talk about religion…religious people are hypocrites." Charlie responded, "Jesus didn't like hypocrites either. You should read about it in the Bible."

Like the boys, Charlie's own story included anger and frustration. He told them, "Seeing who Jesus was changed everything for me – that it wasn't about religion but about who Jesus is." The boys told him they had an Arabic Bible at home, and a few of them promised him they would read the Gospel at some point.

Charlie was 14 when his parents separated. When he moved to a new town with his dad, Charlie met some shady characters and joined their gang. Charlie felt accepted by the group, and it gave his anger an outlet and direction.

"I think it involved a lot of suppression of things that deep down I knew were wrong," he said.

Then one day, Charlie's life collapsed around him. Two of his gang-mates attacked a guy they had been hanging out with, almost killing him. One of the attackers fled, and the other accused Charlie of being involved in the attack.

PrisonHe was sent to a juvenile detention center, where he was charged with attempted murder, and he was refused bail. (Photo via Google)

While in prison, Charlie began reading the Bible. He had heard the Gospel message before, but it had never taken root. As he read through Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Psalms, Charlie heard God calling him to repent and turn to Him.

"It was totally the Holy Spirit," he said. "It was so clear to me that it was all true."

Charlie's lawyer wanted him to testify against his two gang-mates, but Charlie was afraid they would come after him and kill him if he turned them in. As he was praying about what to do, he heard a voice say, "Testify." Charlie was afraid, but two more times he heard the voice say, "Testify, testify."

Charlie's lawyer warned him that he would probably still get five years in prison, but a pastor came and prayed with him before his hearing that the Lord would soften the district attorney's heart.

Miraculously, this is precisely what happened. After 10 months in juvenile detention and county prison, Charlie was released and the charges against him were dropped.

Charlie moved to a new town where he found a job through a connection of his father. He has finished a bachelor's degree in sociology and works with adults with developmental disabilities. Charlie helps them learn budgeting, grocery shopping and other independent-living skills.

He is heavily involved in his church where he is training under his pastor to be a Bible teacher. Charlie facilitates Bible courses through an accredited program and also leads a Bible study. Recently, Charlie had the opportunity to baptize a close friend and is doing one-on-one discipleship with him.

Through his social work agency, Charlie is allowed to connect his clients with local churches and he has seen about seven people come to Bible studies now.

Although Charlie's ministry at home is thriving, his church desires to send him to the Muslim World. In fact, when he heard about OM's Transform short-term outreach, Charlie jumped at the opportunity to learn how to share with Muslims.

"We don't hold onto people that are thriving in ministry," he said. "There's no comfort clause in the Great Commission. The Gospel has to go out.

"I don't know what [the future] will look like," said Charlie, "but I definitely want to bring the Gospel to the nations."