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40 Days Spring Campaign Complete: 547 Babies Saved

Admin : Apr 14, 2014

…we're still counting the blessings God has provided!

40 Days for LifeMore of our local campaign leaders will be sending in their reports soon... but so far, we are aware of:

...547 babies whose lives have been spared from abortion during this campaign!

And as always, those are only the ones we know about. Here are some of those stories.


"Exciting news from the sidewalk!" said one of the El Paso volunteers. "A woman rejects abortion!"

When the woman arrived with her sister, there was a group of people praying on the sidewalk. One of the counselors talked to them, and provided information about positive options.

They continued on their way inside the abortion center...but came out soon after. "With a smile on her face," the volunteer said, "the woman said she had changed her mind." She was thinking about abortion because she feared her husband's response to the pregnancy. But after talking with the counselors, she no longer felt afraid.

"We believe the prayers of everyone united helped give this woman the courage she needed to say yes to life," the El Paso volunteer said. "Praise the Lord!"


40 Days for LifeA couple parked near the abortion facility in Tuscaloosa—close to the location where 40 Days for Life volunteers were praying. As they walked towards the building, vigil participants offered them information, but they didn't take it.

They weren't inside for long before they exited and said they couldn't go through with the abortion. The woman said she couldn't do it "because of all the young girls inside."

The two were visibly shaken by what they had seen inside the abortion center. This time, they took the information the volunteers had offered.


40 Days for LifeThe Pensacola team asks for prayers for a woman who was abortion-minded... until the baby's father convinced her not to go through with it.

The woman is still struggling, however. She has had a number of abortions in the past and feels she is incapable of mothering a child. She does, however, seem open to adoption...and there is a couple that stands ready and willing to adopt the baby.

"Please pray," said one of the Pensacola volunteers, "that God will give them all the strength, love, mercy, and healing that they need to proceed with these adoption plans and provide a most beautiful future for this baby."


40 Days for LifeLastly, a few words for this campaign in Croatian: 40 Dana Za Život—40 Days for Life—and they're on a billboard above a row of buildings in Zagreb.

"They are an impressive group," said Robert Colquhoun, our international outreach director, who visited Zagreb recently.

Dan Miller, the local 40 Days for Life director in Milwaukee, Wisconsin saw this photo and said, "this says awesome in any language!"

I think we can say that about all of the 40 Days for Life volunteers. You're awesome! May God bless you richly!