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Watch This Skydiver's Frightening Brush With Death as Meteorite Hurls Past Him Before it Crashes to Earth

Teresa Neumann : Apr 4, 2014
Terrence McCoy – The Washington Post

If the skydiver would have jumped even a second later than he did, the meteorite would have "cut him in half."

viral video(Norway)—Norwegian skydiver Anders Helstrup, along with several other members of the Oslo Parachute Club, made a jump two years ago that is historic for a very out of this world reason: he was almost ripped in half by a meteorite hurtling toward the earth. (Photo via Washington Post)

A video (Click Here to watch) of Helstrup's brush with death has now gone viral.

"I got the feeling," said Helstrup, "that there was something, but I didn't register what was happening… whoosh, and it [was] gone."

Upon checking the film taken of the jump, a meteorite is clearly seen as being the object that Helstrup felt "whooshing" past him.

So why has it taken two years for the video to go viral?

Well, it was first given to scientists to study, and then a search for the meteorite ensued. To date, it has not yet been found.

Norwegian geologist Hans Amunsden said, "It can't be anything else. The shape is typical of meteorites—a fresh fracture surface on one side, while the other side is rounded."

Amunsden was also quoted as telling Helstrup that if he had jumped out of the plane a second later he would be dead because the meteorite would have "cut him in half."