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Missy Robertson 'God is sometimes not politically correct'

Teresa Neumann : Apr 1, 2014
Nicki Gostin – Fox 411 News

"Our faith is something we have deep in our bones because of what Jesus Christ did for us on that cross. There is no way we can ever repay Him for that. We can try our hardest to live to be worthy of it." -Missy Robertson

Duck Dynasty galsIn a recent Fox 411 Entertainment interview, Robertson women—Kay, Korie, Missy, Jessica and Lisa—shared some fascinating insights into their lives. (Photo via FOX News)

On the issue of faith, Missy (who is married to Jase Robertson) said the responsibility of their public persona has weighed at times on her and her husband.

"We have had many talks about it," she said, "and it's not just about fame and the spotlight. It's about turning that spotlight upwards toward Him because He's just using us as a tool to show people that being a Christian and living right and treating people with respect and kindness, even if it means you have to sacrifice something of yourself."

"It's OK to stand up for what's right even if it's not politically correct," she added, "because God is sometimes not politically correct."

When asked about her daughter Mia, who was born with a cleft Palate, Missy shared about the stresses and struggles of the condition, but brought it back again to their faith in God's goodness and provision.

"[Jase and I] have talked many times about... Knowing there's a God up there in Heaven who loves my child more than I do. How do people who do not grasp that concept, or have a relationship with God—how do they get through it? I don't know, because they have to rely completely on themselves to get through it and that's got to be very difficult. I feel for them."

Check out the video interview by clicking here.