Breaking Christian News

New Video brings Hope to Women Suffering after an Abortion

Colin Kerr : Mar 18, 2014

The Spanish-version received "many women (and some men) calling for more information, and to request help with post-abortion healing."

Video(Santiago, Chile)—A Latin American pro-life group dedicated to post-abortion healing has released a short, but touching, new video that it hopes will reach those who are suffering after abortion. (Photo via LSN)

Proyecto Esperanza is headquartered in Santiago, Chile.

The organization hopes the video will reach as many people as possible and are encouraging concerned individuals, churches and organizations to promote it as widely as possible through email, Facebook and other social media.

Pro-life leader Dan Zeidler, who is facilitating the release, believes that the video, which is just over a minute long, will be "an effective way to spread the message that there is hope through the Love and Mercy of God for those suffering after abortion."