Breaking Christian News

North Korea to Execute 33 Christians found to be Working with Baptist Missionary

Aimee Herd : Mar 10, 2014
Cheryl K. Chumley – Washington Times, Charisma News

Please be praying for a miracle for these 33 Believers and missionary Kim Jung-wook, and strength for them to stand in their faith in the meantime.

Kim Jong-wook(North Korea)—According to a Charisma News report, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, has ordered 33 Christians thought to be working with South Korean missionary Kim Jung-wook, to be executed. (Photo: Missionary Kim Jong-wook/via Google)

A Breitbart report noted that Jung-wook (who was arrested last year) and the Believers working alongside him were said to have started some 500 underground churches in North Korea.

The 33 have reportedly been charged with attempting to overthrow the government.

The North Korean dictator, Jung Un, was so-called "re-elected" this past weekend, garnering 100 percent of the vote, from 100 percent voter turnout.

Of course, according to reports, the voters in North Korea's election had no choice who to vote for, as there is only one candidate's name on the ballot for each district. Instead, they have the choice of voting yes or no.

And when it comes to the election of the ruthless Jong Un, who executed his own uncle and all his uncle's relatives, one can only imagine the pressure to vote "yes."