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For RNC Chairman, March for Life Was a "Wake-Up Call"

Dustin Siggins : Mar 10, 2014

"The Church can't just be vanilla ice cream and cotton candy on Sunday morning. There is joint responsibility in talking about issues of faith. I tell a lot of pastors… 'I got a deal for ya. I'll be as strong on these social issues as you're willing to be on Sunday morning. 'How about that deal?'" -RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

RNC Chairman(Washington, DC)—Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said that attending the 2014 March for Life gave him "a little bit of a wake-up call" about the fact that the Republican Party needs to lay greater emphasis on its commitment to the pro-life cause. (Photo via LSN)

Priebus, who was speaking with a group of bloggers and reporters at CPAC, told LifeSiteNews that while "our party has to grow where we're weak...we also have to grow where we're strong. I think that sometimes we spend too much talking about where we're weak."

"We wanted to remind people about where we stand on life, we went to the March for Life, as an RNC. And I will tell you, personally—which is something I don't think I've shared a whole lot—the RNC going to the March for Life, for me, was a little bit of a wake-up call for me as chairman."

Priebus allowed members of the RNC who wanted to attend the 2014 March for Life in Washington, DC, to do so before the GOP's annual winter meeting.

"Here I am, the chairman of a pro-life party...and I got all this appreciation," Priebus said. "But it was the appreciation that sort of woke me up to say, 'Why are these folks so appreciative of something that I thought was a pretty easy decision to make?'"

Priebus said that the gratitude of pro-life organizations brought a whole new realization. "I thought to myself, 'If these folks are this appreciative of something so simple, maybe we need to start reminding people about the core positions of our party more, so that we can grow in places where we're strong.'"

"Sometimes, the best fruit is right above your head," he said.