Breaking Christian News

Missing Malaysian Airliner: Faith in Christ Holds Family Together as Search Continues

Aimee Herd : Mar 10, 2014
Efrem Graham - CBN News

"It's devastating, but I know in my heart that Philip's with God and I plan to be there with him because I have a deep faith in my God." -Sondra Wood, Philip's mother.

BBC PhotoWhile authorities and rescue workers search for any sign of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which went missing on Friday, family members and friends of loved ones aboard await any word, hoping for the best but bracing for the worst. (Photo via BBC News)

According to the manifest, the plane carried 227 passengers, and included 14 different nationalities—there were also 12 crew members aboard the Boeing 777 aircraft.

BBC PhotoMany of the Chinese and Malaysian passengers were employees of the Texas-based Freescale Semiconductor Company, according to a BBC News report.

Of the three Americans on board, two were children—ages 2 and 4—and one was Philip Wood - a 51-year-old IBM employee from Texas.

Philip's mother, Sondra Wood, told reporters, "It's devastating, but I know in my heart that Philip's with God and I plan to be there with him because I have a deep faith in my God."

The family noted that “their faith in Christ is what's holding them together,” according to a CBN News report.