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Over a Million "Likes" - This Mom Went to Great Lengths, with Even Greater Results, to Show Her Struggling Son He is Loved

Aimee Herd : Feb 14, 2014
Melanie Eversley – USA Today

At last report, Colin's "Happy Birthday" Facebook page had garnered over 1.8 million "likes"!

Colin's Page(Richland, Michigan)—A mom's love for her child can accomplish amazing things. (Screen shot via Facebook)

Such is the case with "Jennifer," a Michigan mother who was told by her son Colin (10)—who suffers from a disability similar to Asperger's syndrome—that she might as well not organize a party for his upcoming birthday, because he "has no friends," according to a USA Today report.

Colin informed his mother that the other kids at his school tease and ridicule him, because of the challenges he faces interacting socially, and communicating.

That's when Jennifer came up with a great way to show her son that there are others in the world who really do care, and might even tell him so.

Resourceful as moms can be, she created a special "Happy Birthday Colin" Facebook page with the post…

I am Colin's mom, I created this page for my amazing, wonderful, challenging son who is about to turn 11 on March 9th. Because of Colin's disabilities, social skills are not easy for him, and he often acts out in school, and the other kids don't like him. So when I asked him if he wanted a party for his birthday, he said there wasn't a point because he has no friends. He eats lunch alone in the office every day because no one will let him sit with them, and rather than force someone to be unhappy with his presence, he sits alone in the office. So I thought, if I could create a page where people could send him positive thoughts and encouraging words, that would be better than any birthday party. Please join me in making my very original son feel special on his day.

After Jennifer created the page, she waited for social media to take over…and it did.

After just 10 days or so, Colin's "Birthday" page now has over 1.8 million "likes," and thousands of individual birthday wishes and positive messages.

Jennifer also posted a PO Box address where birthday cards could be sent, and those are reportedly pouring in as well.

Perhaps one of the most amazing aspects of this heart-warming story is that somehow, Jennifer has managed to keep all of this a secret from her soon-to-be 11-year-old.

Visit Colin's "Birthday" Facebook page and post your own message, by Clicking Here.