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Public Schools Interested in Ken Ham/Bill Nye Debate on Creationism vs. Evolution

Aimee Herd : Jan 31, 2014
Answers In Genesis

Our young people - and adults - should be aware that considerable dissent exists in the scientific world regarding the validity of molecules-to-man evolution. It's an important debate, for what you think about your origins will largely form your worldview.

The big debate between Answers in Genesis (AiG) president, Ken Ham and Bill Nye "The Science Guy" has been ramping up in publicity as the debate date approaches.

Now it seems, according to a posting on the AiG website, public school science teachers may also be interested in watching the debate with their classes.

The challenge there, however, is that the event is scheduled for February 4th, at 7pm ET - too late for classes in most cases.

Ken Ham and Bill NyeSo AiG is offering streaming viewing of the debate on demand. Below is more information from their website:

AiG encourages public school teachers, whether they believe in evolution or creation, to make good use of the debate. After the February 4 event, a video recording will be available to stream for a period of time through Ask your local science teachers to think about showing this debate in the classroom and have their students analyze the debate. They can see how an evolutionist and creationist present the best case for their respective positions. The debate will last 2 1/2 hours, but teachers could elect to watch the five-minute opening statements and the 30-minute opening arguments from both sides (for a total of 70 minutes) if the entire debate is too long. The remainder of the debate time will involve answering questions from the audience presented through the moderator with rebuttal times. (Photo via:

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