Breaking Christian News

Federal Court Rules to Keep "In God, We Trust" on U.S. Currency

Teresa Neumann : Sep 12, 2013
Staff – CBN

"The national motto simply echoes the principle found in the Declaration of Independence that our freedoms come from God and not the state." -ACLJ brief

money(Washington, DC)–In response to Michael Newdow and the Freedom From Religion Foundation's lawsuit suing to delete the phrase "In God, We Trust" from our nation's currency, a federal court has ruled a resounding, "No."

Jay Sekulow, Chief Council for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) which represented 41 members of Congress and nearly 90,0000 Americans who opposed the lawsuit, had argued that the national motto reflects the historical underpinnings of this nation and that belief in a Christian God was integral to its founding.