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Ben Carson on Zimmerman Verdict: "Stop the Rush to Judgment"

Teresa Neumann : Jul 17, 2013
Wanda Carruthers – Newsmax

"We need to be saying what can we learn from this, rather than allowing ourselves to get whipped into a frenzy with no evidence from what I can see that this was preplanned or that there was malicious intent." -Dr. Ben Carson

Dr Ben Carson Dr. Ben Carson, the famed African-American neurosurgeon, has commented on the acquittal of George Zimmerman, saying Americans need to "stop the rush to judgment."

"I think it would do us all well to step back and do something that I always suggest before rushing to judgment," said Carson. "Put yourself in the place of the individuals involved."

Speaking on Fox & Friends, Carson said, "We need to be saying what can we learn from this, rather than allowing ourselves to get whipped into a frenzy with no evidence from what I can see that this was preplanned or that there was malicious intent."

Carson also reportedly took issue with throwing the term "racist" around too easily, calling the term "white Hispanic" to describe Zimmerman as "hilarious."

"Why don't we call Obama a white African-American?" he asked. "This is craziness. Why do we get so involved in superficial words when we should be looking much deeper at people?"