Breaking Christian News

There is Something Phenomenal Happening in the Spirit Regarding Women

Robin Harfouche : Apr 15, 2013
The Elijah List

"God is raising up women miracle workers… God is raising up women in the Church that will be deaconesses and elders who will move in the gifts of the Spirit, and who will not be challenged any longer on silly things, but who will be able to stand their ground."

Julie A SmithIntro from Julie A. Smith:

When I read through Robin Harfouche's article the word that came to me was "awareness". Robin received some incredible revelation while she was praying for an upcoming women's conference which you can see in her itinerary below. Her article, I believe, will bring an awareness to the Body of Christ – of the importance of women's roles – and to a world in NEED of what women carry.

I'm personally thankful for Godly men who have sown into my life. God has given me some awesome spiritual fathers and mentors. I'm grateful for men in the church who aren't afraid of raising up women, sowing into them, and letting them be who they are called to be. Training, equipping, mentoring – honoring who they are in Christ.

There are powerful women who will be raised up to take on some of the biggest challenges in our day. God will give them His Spirit of Wisdom to deal with tough issues and bring real solutions where there seems no end in sight to the problem.

The intent of this article is meant to bring an "awareness" to the Body of Christ to embrace women's roles, empowering them in the fullness of who God made them to be. As Robin Harfouche shares, "These things can change overnight, and the population boom of the Church – the Bride of Christ – can double or triple, and then with that will come a great move of God."

It's really just unity in the Body, all functioning together, which is what many prophetic voices have been speaking about in this season – the need for unity.


Julie A. Smith, Editor-The Elijah List

Robin Harfouche: There is Something Phenomenal Happening in the Spirit Regarding Women

Robin HarfoucheAs I write this, it's 2:39am in Florida right now, and the Lord has filled me with a prophetic word...and I felt it necessary to share this with you.

There is something absolutely phenomenal happening in the realm of the Spirit regarding women, and it is not only being done by groups that are forging forward and triumphing in their causes, but it is happening in the Church. I am not speaking only of the Churches in the West, but I am also speaking of the Churches in the East.

Women's Role in the Body

There is an awakening to the fact that without women we are missing 60-65% of the ranks of Christian workers, soldiers, evangelists, pastors, teachers, apostles, and prophets that can be immediately added to the ranks and numbers of the global count of Christianity. These things can change overnight, and the population boom of the Church – the Bride of Christ – can double or triple, and then with that will come a great move of God. These times have never happened before, and I feel that it's the Holy Spirit telling me that it's God's need for these things to happen now.

I am in the middle of praying for our upcoming conference "Rare But Not Impossible: Apostolic Women". I have been one of the pioneers for the past twenty-eight years for team ministry, along with my husband; as well as for raising children in the ministry, and I have two beautiful children who are serving the Lord and want ministry for their life.

womenOur life is ministry. My husband and I flow in various gifts of the Spirit. We've always been like that. He trained me from the very beginning. I was given by God a supernatural beginning. He gave me a divine miracle, when 23 doctors said I'd never stand again – but, as I say – here I stand. (Photo courtesy:

I am seeing, and being gripped by the Spirit, in confirmation of the happenings that are going on worldwide.

I've been in over fifty-five countries. I've seen atrocities. I've seen human rights and civil rights frustrated and violated, in every capacity that you can imagine, to women.

I feel that the core of the problem is the knowledge of women regarding their role in the Body of Christ.

Prayer is the Prerequisite

The Bible tells us that without a vision, or without knowledge, people perish (see Proverbs 29:18). There is division in the Body of Christ; and there shouldn't be division, there should be unity. There are those of us who are now seeing a time coming when we can have an absolutely incredible breakthrough for women. Paul, who was dedicated to God and was a single man his whole life, said that there is no difference between Jew or Greek, or male or female (see Galatians 3:28), but we have not seen that come to pass.

womenWe've fought for it, we've struggled for it, we've seen a few female leaders rise. I've got plenty to share with you about many of them in the first, second and third centuries, but we don't need to rise as one woman here and one woman there, we need to rise as a body of women who are holding hands together and marching forward. Not with a burden that's heavy, but with a burden that's light. The reason that the burden is light is because Jesus is giving us that burden, and the pre-requisite to that burden is prayer. I know that many of you would agree with me – prayer is the pre-requisite for everything. (Photo courtesy:

God is Raising Up Miracle Workers

I have so strong on my heart – this timing. The fact that it happens to be during the month of the women's conference is completely God-ordained. I didn't know that all this was going to happen. We had the Rise of the Prophets, the Rule of the Apostles, and now we have Apostolic Women. We have things to share with women and men that will change your perception of who you are forever. To me, that's worth it!

God is going to raise up many miracle workers, and they will not all be men!

God is raising up women miracle workers. God is raising up women five-fold ministry gifts; and God is raising up women in the Church that will be deaconesses and elders who will move in the gifts of the Spirit, and who will not be challenged any longer on silly things, but who will be able to stand their ground.

We are taking a step forward. We are the spear that is going through and puncturing, and I am asking you to come with us.

His Apostle,

Dr. Robin Harfouche/Christian Harfouche Ministries