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Carry the Cure Iditarod 2013—their "Most Successful" Outreach Yet

Aimee Herd/Bill Pagaran-CTC : Mar 25, 2013
Bill Pagaran – Carry the Cure

". . . On the way from Palmer to Nenana God started to speak to me as we flew by Denali Mountain (Mt. MicKinley). I had an encounter that impacted me so deeply. It was a perfect day. You could see every curve, every ridge and every jagged peak of the mountain. The majesty of the Lord was demonstrated so beautifully and powerfully in Denali (Denali means Great One) that I felt as though the anointing was flowing right from the mountain and into me. I began to cry because it was so strong. I began shouting, 'WOW! WOW! Do you feel that? WOW!' . . ." -Bill Pagaran, CTC

Carry the Cure Bill Pagaran and the Carry the Cure team has finished their annual Iditarod outreach and has news of God moving powerfully among the villages and schools that were visited.

Carry the Cure (CTC) was founded in 1996, as a non-profit, faith-based outreach ministry committed to bringing hope and the light of the Gospel to Native teens in order to quell the epidemic of suicide that existed among them in Western Alaska.

Bill Pagaran is president of CTC, as well as drummer/percussionist for the First Nations worship band, Broken Walls. To learn more about CTC, log onto:

"The 'cure,'" explains Pagaran in a video on the website, "is the love, hope and compassion that resides in our hearts . . . if we carry the love, hope and compassion of Creator . . . and teach others how they can make a difference in communities; together we can reverse the negative statistics and we can see hope rise up."

Below are excerpts from the CTC team report following their latest Iditarod outreach. To read the full report, access the source link provided.

Carry The Cure Team Iditarod Report-2013

Broken Walls Our race began on March 4th and after 10 days, which flew by like a blur, it's over...or is it? The thirteen member team which consisted of 10 Carry the Cure team members and 3 pilots from MARC worked together tirelessly to carry the Gospel to villages along the Iditarod trail. This was the most successful Iditarod trip to date; highlighted by over a hundred souls coming to Jesus, countless rededications, incredible favor of God, new friendships, new partnerships, and tons of encouragement and prayers. (Photo: Carry the Cure, Inc.)

This outreach began with a dream to see a healed Alaska. As I step into that dream I'm seeing it develop into much more. God is beginning to heal His people, but He is doing it for a purpose. He is raising them up so that they can "carry the cure" to the rest of the world. Many Alaskans have favor to carry the Gospel to other countries that have been closed or resistant to the Gospel. So, the Lord has been telling me to challenge people beyond getting saved and to call them to lay down their lives and to become harvesters and laborers. Jesus is calling us to do what He did in Matt. 9:37: "Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." . . .

Denali mountain . . . On the way from Palmer to Nenana God started to speak to me as we flew by Denali Mountain (Mt. MicKinley).  I had an encounter that impacted me so deeply.  It was a perfect day.  You could see every curve, every ridge and every jagged peak of the mountain.  The majesty of the Lord was demonstrated so beautifully and powerfully in Denali (Denali means Great One) that I felt as though the anointing was flowing right from the mountain and into me.  I began to cry because it was so strong.  I began shouting, "WOW! WOW! Do you feel that? WOW!"  I think the rest of the team must have thought that I'd lost my mind.  God began to drop this message into me as we flew by: He said, "Many people fly from around the world to see the glory, majesty and greatness of this mountain.  Just as people come from around the world to see that, they will come from around the world to see My people in Alaska.   I am going to pour out My glory on my sons and daughters in such a way that people will have to see what I've done.  Alaskans will become known all around the world and my favor will shine on them everywhere they go.  They will rise up and share the Gospel in places no one else can go.  They will prepare the way for My return." . . . (Photo: Carry the Cure, Inc.)

Chief Gabe . . . We arrived early into Grayling to the surprise of Chief Gabe who is the chief of Grayling (see his picture below), and the principal of the school. They both said they forgot we were coming . . . it didn't seem like a great start to our visit; however, God gave us favor and they became very accommodating to all of our needs. Grayling is a small village. The chief told us that they have never had a group like ours in their village and that everyone always overlooks them. The principal shared a similar story and told us that they are considered the "armpit" of the district. (Photo: Carry the Cure, Inc.)

Well, God proceeded to allow us to share a message that contradicted all of that. During our presentation and concert outreach God highlighted how important, valuable and special they are. In the evening, Dana Hoffman (one of our team members) shared her testimony. It was so powerful it left many in awe. Her journey through all kinds of challenges and abuse, yet coming through it all with love and grace for others, was totally inspiring. Many people were touched that night. The next day the pilots told us that we were going to be weathered in due to severe turbulence. Considering this, I quickly began to pray and ask the Lord what He'd have us do. He brought to my mind that there was another village, Anvik, about 18 miles down the Yukon River on the Iditarod trail. I thought, wow, if someone could lend us a snow machine then Jonathan and I could go to the next village.

Bill Pagaran Chief Gabe heard about our desire and decided to give us the best snow machine in the village, attach the best sled to it and give us an escort to the village. We arrived in Anvik in about 45 minutes and the whole village was there. God led us in an amazing presentation using what equipment and props we could find. We definitely had to use our Gerry-rigging skills, but we were able to pull off a great presentation. The village administrator was so impacted by what we shared, she promised to use her grant funds to bring the full team up next time. Also, the custodian was greatly impacted and he said that this meant as much to him as it did to the students. Once again, God went beyond what we could think, imagine or dream. (Photo: Carry the Cure, Inc.)

Upon arrival back in Grayling that same evening, we heard testimonies from other members of the team about how God had been using them to pray for and encourage others in the village during our absence. The next day, the pilots were telling us that we could end up grounded again due to weather; so, I pulled the team together for a meeting and we began discussing other options. We decided to start helping the principal and the school by organizing and cleaning up their school. As we began working on cleaning the bathrooms, God opened up the weather for us. We quickly finished what we were doing and began loading the planes. It seemed as though God was wanting to know how committed we were to serving and blessing the people of Grayling; once we decided that we'd even scrub toilets, God opened the way for us to continue our mission on the Iditarod . . .

Access the source link to read this full report.